2024 Shuttle Schedule


If you miss your shuttle, go to the info desk at the dorm to see if alternative arrangements are possible.


Please note that the shuttle service is not made to skip any section(s). There will be no hourly shuttle buses traveling to and from Checkpoints as in years past.

CSM Taster

For this category, transportation by free shuttle is necessary to get you from your dormitory (Château Montebello or École Papineauville) to the start of the last section of each day.


Tourers must select their ski distance in advance. They will be bused to 4 different starting checkpoints on Saturday and/or Sunday and ski to Montebello. Our theme is “Ski Yourself Home” and we will have all skiers finishing at our fun finish in Montebello! Of course we will still transport skiers back to Montebello who stop at a checkpoint before the finish line in case of bad weather and emergencies.

Half marathon

All half-marathon skiers must take the same free shuttle from their dormitory (Château Montebello or École Papineauville). This shuttle will transport all half-marathoners to the starting point at the same time. As soon as they arrive, they can start skiing.

Coureur des Bois

The only transportation needed for this category is from the dormitory (Château Montebello, École Papineauville, or Gold Dorm) to the starting line and for the Silver and Bronze categories at the end of each day to return to their dormitory.

For each category, it is important to consult the schedule of the free shuttles in order to know the exact departure time of these depending on the location.