Youth Club Challenge

What’s the Challenge?

Come have fun skiing with your friends and show your parents and coaches just how far you can go!

Coordinated Club Registration

We appreciate that CSM is best promoted by our skiers who bring friends along for a Shared Adventure! So we are making it easier than ever for clubs and groups, of all ages, to join together, enjoy a shared experience, and benefit from the maximum CSM discount! The discount is applicable until Nov. 30 and for all ages and discounted categories: it is an extension of Sept. 30 registration fees for groups of 10 or more skiers.

Coordinated Club Registration: A club designates a CSM-registered coordinator to contact the CSM office first and provide the following information: coordinator name, coordinator address, coordinator email, coordinator phone number, club name, club website. That coordinator will be the contact between the club and the CSM. The CSM will then give the coordinator a club-specific “discount code”. The coordinator will be in charge of distributing the code to the club members who can then use the code for on-line registration. The discount applies only to the club members (youth & adult): the CSM will audit for abuse and will withdraw discounts in abuse situations. The club members can then register independently using their club discount code: there must be 10 or more club members who register to get the discount applied. (As a convenient option, the club coordinators can also provide to the CSM the list of those club members who wish to have their bibs sent to their club, or coordinator, address. Those club members can all then pick up their bibs as arranged with the coordinator. This list has to be provided to the CSM after Nov 30 and before Dec 15.)